Documentation progress tracking

Applies to: Dataedo 23.x (current) versions, Article available also for: 10.x

Dataedo allows you to track progress of descriptions (and other fields) in your documentation - i.e. how many description fields are non-empty. It is displayed in as a data bars in a dedicated column in repository explorer.

Progress tracking


There are different progress tracking modes. They are:

  1. All descriptions - includes all descriptions from tables, columns, relations, keys, triggers, procedures, functions and parameters.
  2. Tables & columns - includes descriptions only from core data dictionary elements - tables and columns.
  3. Custom field #1 - tracks performance of specific custom field.

Enabling progress tracking

To enable progress tracking select option from Show progress button on the ribbon.

Disabling progress tracking

To disable progress tracking click the same button that should have a Hide progress label when progress is enabled.


Progress of individual objects

Progress of documentation of an object is calculated with a following formula:

Progress = Actual points/Total points


Total points = 5 (main description) + [number of columns] + [number of keys] + [number of relations] + [number of triggers] + [number of inputs/outputs]

Actual points = 5 if main description is non blank + 1 for each column where description is non blank + 1 for each key with description + 1 for each relation with description + 1 for each trigger with description + 1 for each input/output with description

Progress at 0% means that no descriptions are present in the repository.

Progress at 100% means that all required descriptions are filled (non blank) in the repository.

Progress of documentation

Dataedo aggregates progress of objects up to the folders and modules and eventually to documentation level (database/connection). Documentation progress of documentation is a total of all documentation objects (tables, views, procedures and functions):

Progress = Sum of actual points of all objects/Sum of total points of all objects

Progress of module

Dataedo shows a progress for each specific module. The formula is the same as for documentation, but including only objects assigned to module.

Progress of object type/folder

The same logic applies to counting progress of documentation of particular object type - all tables, views, etc. are summarized.

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