Custom fields

Applies to: Dataedo 23.x (current) versions, Article available also for: 10.x

Custom fields are additional, user-defined metadata fields that can be attached to various data structure and documentation elements like tables, columns etc.


Custom field is an additional field that you can add to better describe objects in your documentation. These fields can behave differently based on a defined field type.

They are defined on repository level, so a custom field in each repository will apply to all its documentations.

Custom field can be enabled for one or more of the following elements:

  • tables/views
  • columns
  • procedures/functions
  • parameters
  • triggers
  • primary/unique keys
  • table relations
  • modules

Displaying custom fields

While defining new custom fields you must choose one of the existing types. The chosen type defines what values are allowed and how they display in the field you just created.

In the screenshot below you can see a table with some filled in custom fields in web catalog.

Image title

The numbers represent different types of custom fields:

  1. Drop-down list (open)
  2. Checkbox
  3. Drop-down list (closed)
  4. Color
  5. Date
  6. User selection
  7. Tags

Defining custom fields

To define custom fields click Custom fields button in the ribbon.

Custom field icon

This opens custom field administration panel where you can view and edit the list of custom fields defined in the repository.

Custom field definition

Adding a field

To add a field click Add button or choose predefined field (see below).

Once you click Add, a form with field definition will show. Provide a unique name of the field, field scope and an optional description for future reference.

New custom field

Confirm with OK and once you defined all the fields save changes with Save button.

Setting field scope

Field scope defines which data element the field will be added to.

Custom field visibility

Adding predefined fields

You can quickly add one of our predefined custom fields simply by clicking on the predefined fields on the bottom of the form:

Suggested custom fields

Removing fields

Removing a field removes all data from it permanently.

To remove a field, select it and click Remove button.

Remove a custom field

Then, click the Save button to confirm the change.


You can change default field order using Move up and Move down buttons. It will impact display order in application and exports.

Move a custom field

Editing custom fields

After you define custom fields you will notice that additional text fields will show up next to relevant objects.

Here are a few exaples of where you can find custom fields:


Custom field on a module

Table list:

Custom field on table list


Custom field on a table


Custom field on columns


You can choose which custom fields should be exported on Choose custom fields screen:

Choose custom fields to export

In exported files, the custom field data are usually only visible when they are filled.

Custom fields in PDF export: Custom field in PDF export

Custom fields in HTML export:

Custom field in HTML export

Custom fields in repository database

All custom fields are saved in relevant tables (e.g. in procedures or parameters tables) in columns named field1 to field40. To find which column holds value of a specific field check the second column of the query below:

select title as field_name,
       field_name as database_column_name
  from dbo.custom_fields

You can find out more about this in Dataedo repository documentation.

Importing/Exporting extended properties

Dataedo lets you import and export custom fields to and from SQL Server extended properties.

Learn more:

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